Friday, May 11, 2012

To ConsingMENT or NOT ...

To Consign it or not
that was the question.

Usually, I just donate, or give away my clothes- to happy homes. That, or keep them until my mother takes them from me because they're to worn and torn.

*And I say they because I have severe separation anxiety with anything I own.

Everything I own has valueat least to me.
I know where everything I wear comes from.

But the question wasn't, what was I going to wear?
It was where was what I was wear going to go.

Quite the brain teaser.

So I decided to consign, with a good friend of mine.

First we went to a consignment shop in Manyunk called The Attic.

This was an ok attempt number 1.
They only took one of my shirts...out of 4 trash bags of clothes...
but I will cut The Attic some slack, because they were totally, completely overwhelmed with clothing.
which is a win for them
but a loss for me...

Attempt 2
the one, the only, Plato's Closet.
If your a broke, desperate, girl, you should know allllllll about this place.
However, I really did not. So they took two dresses... out of the 4 trash bags of clothes... Yay

Final Attempt
was a donation box.
I didn't even care about the money.
I just wanted my happy clothes to be happy.

And that made me happy.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Latte Queen

Little know fact about me:

I like lattes, and I make a mean one too.

I make lattes, pretty good ones at that.
And sometimes I can draw a heart in your Latte.

Or a snow princess..

Here is some of my work:

Some turn out pretty, and others pretty...abstract!
But they are always super tasty!

I was once called the Oprah of lattes.

And you get a Latte! And you get a Latte ! Who wants a Latte!

One day, my biggest latte accomplishment will hopefully look like one of these fabulous coff-ous's,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Yo Dog!

My friends and I are dog/pet obsessed.
The obsession really lies within canines though. We are puppy crazy! For good reason too.

Here is a look at this puppy lifestyle. 

I have some of the most gorgeous pups you will ever see.

Meet Bevin and Jasper:

They love each other, and I love them.

Now in Burlington I have found some doggy friend that I lovelovelove. 

Meet Tupper:

My dear friend, Haley, just rescued this little cutie pie. He has become her faithful companion, and a friend to all.  

Meet Buck:

Buck is a brand new puppy friend! And he is absolutely gorgeous! Just look at those eyes!

Meet Moose:
He's my friend Emily's little ball of dog.
Moose is a black baby lab and he's just too cute to handle!

As much as am a dog person, I recently have become quite the cat person. This is due to the fact that there are some great cats in my life!

Marlo is Alisha Durgin's cute bundle of joy. She took him in while working for the human society, it was love at first stare-down.
They make a great pair

I myself had a beautiful little kitten that I was fostering for a short amount of time, named Belle.
Belle has a great home now. I miss her on the daily but I know she is happy and healthy!

Pets come in and out of your life and bring more to it than imaginable. My dear friend Mia's faithful companion, Cocoa, passed away this week.
I wish I could say more to Mia to make her feel better, but I can't imagine a loss so deep.